Don’t Let Your Anesthetic Be a Pain
Presenter: Dr. Lori Trost
Release Date: 5/1/18
Credits: 1 CEU, Free Self-Study
Expiration Date: 5/1/28
AGD Subject Code: 340
Reviewed: 2025
This CE webinar will provide a common sense approach to selecting and administering dental anesthetics. Key components such as how to reduce patients’ anxiety and calming strategies will be given to transform the clinical setting into a more welcoming environment. The psychology of pain will also be discussed along with techniques for hard-to-numb patients. Create more predictability in your anesthetic outcomes, reduce your stress, and allow patients to leave with a better feeling.
Upon completion of this CE webinar, the student will • identify reasons why patients are fearful and reluctant • understand the physiology of pain • review the current anesthetic marketplace • learn key components of an injection and actually what causes the “pain” • discover the benefits of making anesthetic a practice builder
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